Become a Member

Membership offers a range of benefits to professional record keepers and archive users alike:

  • Access to a continuing professional development bursary fund
  • Discounted fees for attendance at a variety of workshops and events
  • Communications – we can send you our e-magazine and promote your events or projects
  • Advocacy – a voice of representation on a range of sector related issues
  • Advice – we can put you in touch with experts and point you to relevant guidance
  • A vote at our annual members meeting

And it is free.

To join, please complete this short form and add your voice to the deliberations of a listening organisation. Your views can help us to better represent the interests of archives and records management services and their users. If you have problems completing this form, require it in a different format or have any questions please email or phone 0131 535 1362.


If you would like to become a member of the Scottish Council on Archives please click below to complete the membership form.