Scotland’s Community Heritage Conversations

About Scotland’s Community Heritage Conversations:

The Scottish Council on Archives is delighted to be working with other heritage organisations to deliver Scotland’s Community Heritage Conversations (SCHC), an event series bringing together volunteers, community groups and heritage professionals. Launched in November 2020 as a digital re-imagining of Scotland’s Community Heritage Conference, it is growing rapidly in popularity and attracting over 100 participants at each event.

The conversations are delivered through a partnership of Historic Environment Scotland, Archaeology Scotland, The Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, and the Scottish Council on Archives, who together are coordinating a wide range of contributors from public bodies, third sector organisations and community groups.

SCA is delighted to share that on Wednesday 20 September 2023 SCHC will be hosting the campaign’s first ever day-long, hybrid event! Scotland’s Community Heritage Conversations 2023: Exploring Potential will be held in person at The Engine Shed in Stirling and online via Microsoft Teams.

Responding to latest surge in Covid cases, for those attending in person, we would be grateful if you are able to align with the event’s COVID-19 safe systems of work for everyone present. This guidance is designed to keep us all safe and ensure we all meet in person and still have a great time!

  • Please do not attend the event if you have symptoms consistent with Covid – remember, this is hybrid event so you can still take part by attending online.
  • Don’t feel inhibited about choosing to wear a face mask during the event if this is your choice: you will have your reasons and you don’t need to explain them.
  • Be sympathetic to requests to keep distance or increase ventilation.
  • Use any hand-sanitising products that are provided.

Digital Poster Session

This year’s event will feature a digital poster session, designed to let community heritage groups show off their projects, work and initiatives. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your community group or project to a diverse group of delegates. We will be displaying posters based on the conference theme, Exploring Potential, in a constant loop throughout the day on large screens situated in the Open Hall at the Engine Shed. This is the space where delegates will be networking and enjoying refreshments and lunch and we will be using the posters on Historic Environment Scotland’s CHC webpage and our social media campaigns. You could also use your poster as a background slide for your one-minute mayhem talk, a 60-second ‘soap-box’ opportunity to share your news and views on any aspect of Scotland’s community heritage. It’s a great way for people to know about your work and it’s easy to submit a poster by following these simple instructions:

  • All poster submissions must be on a slide template from a PowerPoint presentation – you can use this template with instructions: MASTERCHC23.pptx
  • Create a bold and imaginative poster with clear graphics and text that look sharp when displayed on a 60” screen. Include your group’s name and any detail, such as a website or Facebook page. Get inspiration from other Digital Community Posters PowerPoint Presentation (
  • Once you have created your digital poster, send it as an email attachment to: 


Text within the email must include

  1. Group Name:
  2. Name of contact in group:
  3. Email address of contact:
  4. Yes/No I will be taking part in the one-minute mayhem and using my poster slide


We look forward to seeing you at the conference, but if you cannot make it, please join us by submitting a poster.