First Steps: Caring for Community Archives – Sound and Moving Image

9.45-10.00 ARRIVAL – Tantrum Doughnuts + Tea/Coffee
10.00-10.05 Alison Stevenson, Head of Moving Image and Sound Collections

Welcome to MISC Housekeeping

10.05-10.15 Audrey Wilson, Community Engagement Officer, Scottish Council on Archives

Importance of a community archive network and a viewing of the award-winning short film, Why Archives Matter.

10.15-10.30 BBC Scotland Vicky Plaine, Head of Media Management
  SESSION 1 – Basic Identification and Storage of Moving Image and Sound Items
10.30-10.50 So, What do you Have?

Stuart Wilson, NLS Moving Image Technician & Conor Walker, NLS Audio Preservation Engineer

A practical workshop that covers the handling of various formats and the identification of both moving image and sound formats.

10.50-11.10 How can I look after it?

 Stuart Wilson, NLS Moving Image Technician & Conor Walker, NLS Audio Preservation Engineer

A bite-sized guide to the best storage options for the items in your collection when you don’t have access to a vault. Sound and Moving Image symptom checker, how to spot if your recordings are ailing.

11:10-11:25 COMFORT BREAK
11.25-11.45 How can I remember what I’ve got?

 Rob Smith, NLS Audio Cataloguing Co-ordinator

Some top tips on how to assess what is in your collection and make a basic inventory

  SESSION 2– Case Studies: learning from one another
11.45-12.05 Be Seen and Be Heard!

 Maya Darrell Hewins is a PhD candidate with the University of the Highlands and Islands based on Shetland.

Alternative approaches to archiving audio-visual materials in community collections.

12.05 – 12.25 Make it Visual

 Dr Karen Buchanan

Curator, Gairloch Museum.

How we used our oral history collection in the interpretation and displays in the new museum. 

12.25-13.25 LUNCH (Provided) Moving Image and Sound Showcase
13.25 – 13.45 Singer Stories: Oral Histories, Community Engagement, and Preservation Challenges

 Katie McDonald

West Dunbartonshire Council Archivist

A look at West Dunbartonshire Council’s Singer Stories project – why the project mattered, how the project worked, and the challenges involved in preserving community conversations.

  SESSION 3 – Advice, Support and Networks
13.50–14.10 Thinking about Digitisation? Things to consider when planning a digitisation project

Jeni Park, NLS Project Manager

Why digitise? What will I do with the digitised items? Are my items a priority? Should I do it myself of use another organisation? How will I cover any costs?

14.10-14.30 Debunking the myths of Copyright and GDPR for your sound and moving image collection

Mel Reeve-Rawlings, NLS Rights Clearance Officer

So now you have a digitised copy of your moving image or sound recording, can you do anything with it?

14.30-14.50 Tour of the Moving Image and Sound Archive
14.50-15.10 BREAK Tea and coffee
15.10-15.30 Moving Image & Sound Team – All speakers

On hand to answer your questions plus signpost to resources, general chit chat, networking, discussion of your collection and what you want to do with it.

15.30 CLOSE