Brian Whitters

Brian Whitters

Brian lives on the Isle of Barra or what he likes to call ‘Barradise’ and it it’s not hard to see why. After travelling extensively with his job and living in America and Asia for extended periods of time, Brian and his wife decided that Barra was the perfect place to live. His interview allows an insight into this idyllic island way of life as Brain discusses the benefits of living in such a remote place – social distancing becomes much easier! He is currently completing his Bachelor of Arts in Gaelic from the satellite campus of the University of the Highlands and Islands on Barra. He discusses remote learning from a different perspective whilst also giving us a halo and cheri(o) in Gaelic. However, he also touches on the personal difficulties of being away from both his mother and his wife’s father who live on the mainland.  After their parents were all kitted out with iPads, they were able to use zoom to talk to their parents and they did feel like this helped to the improve the communication and support they were able to offer from a distance.